Good to catch up on the movements of Logie’s two chicks this morning. Found that Glen had left the Rannoch Moor area yesterday headed for a circuit of the Inner Hebrides, including visiting the breeding area of the pair of white-tailed eagles at Loch Frisa, then on to the west side of Mull before turning south and passing over Colonsay. Glen roosted last night near a famous whisky distillery on Islay, while his brother continued to hang out in Lewis – hope he also gets his compass pointing south. At last, better weather at home and in the late afternoon I went to Findhorn Bay – the tide was just dropping and within 10 minutes I saw two male ospreys capture flounders and set off inland tp their nests. On the way home I called in at Logie’s old nest and found her mate perched in the dead Scots pine looking very peaceful after eating his fish. Nimrod has been busy and his GPS tracks show he has been hunting along the Culbin Bar and shoreline as well as Findhorn Bay; I think he may have been one of the birds I saw fishing and when I checked his nest the smallest chick was standing preening on its nest. Yesterday, Beatrice’s two chicks were still at home and being fed by her mate.
September 4, 2008