Am in North Spain, visiting Urdaibai Estuary near Bilbao with members of the Urdaibai Foundation, including Aitor who photographed Logie in April 2008, when she was stopping over in the estuary. Apologies for delay in updating, but only just managed to find a WiFi which accepts my laptop and allows me to update the website. We have visited all of Logie’s positions in the estuary and discussed with the local ornithologists the suitability of this coastline for ospreys. The numbers of grey mullet in the estuaries and along the coast is incredible, so it is extremely easy for ospreys to find food here. One female osprey is staying in the estuary at the moment, and I have also seen a juvenile in another small estuary and firther west in a large estuary there were at least three ospreys on migration, two of them eating grey mullet.
This morning I have checked the positions of the migrant ospreys and honey buzzard, and find that all are still stopping over – Nimrod in France, Beatrice in Spain, Morven on the coast of Mauritania and the honey buzzard in the Anti-Atlas, Morocco.