Probably my last osprey at its nest this year

I called in at Talisman’s nest this morning (or should I still call it Logie’s old nest)- in my record books it is nest B01. It was a beautiful sunny morning with a fresh SW wind, and there was Talisman perched at the top of the dead Scots pine, and below him the old nest with the black plastic wrap blowing in the wind. He called a few times at me when I walked to the field edge to take a distant photograph across the ripe barley field. There was no sign of his chick so maybe he’s gone. Later I checked his transmitter signals and found that he was fishing the low tide channel just off Findhorn village at 7am this morning; and at 12am (just before I watched him) he was flying towards his nest and at 1pm and 2pm he was perched in the trees at the edge of the wood at the far side of the barley field. I expect he will be the last osprey I see at a nest this year as I’m sure he will soon be off on migration. I wonder where he will go – this is the first year we have tracked a male and female from the same nest. Morven, his mate, was this morning migrating south through the deserts of southern Morocco 2060 miles away. She is likely to return to the coast of Mauritania to last winter’s haunts, but where will Talisman go to winter – could be anywhere from Spain to Guinea! Bon voyage.

Talisman at his perch today