Environment minister’s visit to Glenfeshie

When Alma was killed last summer, the Scottish Government Environment Minister, Roseanna Cunningham condemned the illegal killing of eagles in the most strenuous manner. Later, she wrote and said that she would like to meet up with Glenfeshie estate and the Foundation to discuss this appalling incident and also to learn more about the Golden Eagle tracking project and the ecological restoration of Glenfeshie, by the present owner and his staff. This morning, she spent some time in Glenfeshie, meeting the owner, Anders Holch Povlsen, and the manager, Thomas MacDonell, who outlined the exciting and successful project in restoring the ecology of Glenfeshie, as well as their long-term vision. How I wish there were more large areas of land where ecosystem restoration is regarded as crucial to the future well-being of the land and nature. We also discussed golden eagles and future plans for tracking more eagles, juvenile and full-grown, in order to learn more about their ecology and movements within the Cairngorms National Park. We discussed the illegal killing of Alma and it’s disappointing to report that no one has yet been charged with the crime, despite intensive investigation by Tayside police. We still hope that crucial evidence may come forward or that someone will give the police information to allow them to solve the crime. The Minister then visited Kincraig primary school, where the pupils have carried out an exciting project on following the movements of the young eagle called Tom. Latest news is that we have atleast 7 more transmitters for tracking – more information later in the spring.