After a long period in one area, Fearna flew west on afternoon of 26th January and next day flew south over Richard Toll and south over Lac d’Guiers and settled in semi-desert that night near Fiddich’s old haunts. Next day, she flew on south and at 1400 GMT was just north of Touba before turning east and then north-east. She spent anotrher nihght at a new roost and then by evening on 29th was back in her old haunts near the River Senegal after a round trip of at least 570 km . She did not stay there so something must have changed food or competition wise because of 30th she flew NE over the river and into Mauritania, and the drifted further up river and between then and 3rd February stayed in a big area some 70 km east of her previous wintering site
A big fly round
February 6, 2013