Red 8T sets off on spring migration

Red 8T set off just after 1000GMT on March 14th and headed NNE and reached The Gambia at 1300hrs after 70 km.  Crossed the Gambia River at 1600hrs and settled in Seengal to roost at 1900hrs after 237 km.  On 15th he was off by 1000hrs and headed off NNE  at 1400 hrs he had gained altitude to 1539 metres and was flying NNE at 62 kph. By 1800 hrs (the last signal of this batch) Red 8T was approching Mauritania after a day’s flight of 235 km. On his way and heaede up the usual spring track.

Red 8T's first two day's of migration  March 14th -15th

Red 8T’s first two day’s of migration March 14th -15th