Spring migration has started

Rothiemurchus finally set off on spring migration at 1100GMT on 3rd April and headed north, then NE, flying east of Kaolack and roosted overnight east of Touba, after a day flight of 156 km. On 4th he flew 122 km north to roost overnight near the river into Lac d’Guiers, close to Fiddich’s main wintering area. Next day he drifted north over the Lac and then over wetlands north to the River Senegal and roosted in Mauritania near the Rosso road. On 6th he flew back SW to the River Senegal to fish and then headed NW for the Atlantic coast which he reached at midday. During the afternoon he tracked north along the coast and when he roosted at dusk he was 40km south of Nouakchott. Looking at the weather in Europe, which is cold with bitterly N and NE winds, with snow further north, he has not missed much by migrating late.

April 3rd to 6th

April 3rd to 6th