Green J was ringed as a single chick in nest G07 in Easter Ross on 10th July 1991. I identified her as the breeding female at nest A11, near Carrbridge, in 1997, and she was probably there from 1994 or 1995. She has bred every year since then and has had a total of at least 23 chicks. One of her chicks was the very first chick translocated to Rutland Water and her young have contributed to the Rutland project as well as to the Andalucian and Basque osprey recovery projects. In 1999, she was the first osprey to be satellite tagged and we proved over the next three winters that she lived on the Gabriel y Galan Reservoir in Extremadura, and did not travel to Africa. An old osprey, like Green J at 23 years of age, is particularly interesting for understanding the behaviour of ospreys at the end of their breeding life. Last summer, the new GPS satellite tag showed that Beatrice returned to exactly the same location in Spain and we could see how she had settled at Gabriel y Galan reservoir.