On 27th May Cromarty flew 360 km north through Morocco; passing Casablanca at 0955GMT and Rabat at 12.03. at 14.46 he was north of Kenitra over the coast and then headed ENE inland to roost the night in wooded hills. This morning he was probably fishing on a river just north of roost site in early morning and then headed north at 07.42. He left Africa from above Tangier at 11.42GMT, flying north at over 90 kph at an altitude of 655 metres above the sea. He completed the crossing to north of Tarifa in Spain in 29 minutes at a speed of 70kph. Flying on north he crossed over Barbate reservoir, well known to me when we moved young Scottish ospreys to the reintroduction project at Barbate, and the last signal of the day was north of Alcala de los Gazules. He is heading home through Europe.
Arrives Spain midday today
May 28, 2016