Sagal’s parents took over Green J’s old nest in 2015 and both returned this year and bred for the first time. The female did not lay eggs until second week May so they were later nesters – the female laid two eggs which is normal for a first time breeder. Our ringing visit was on 20th July and the pair had just one young – rather a small male weighing 1230 gms. We caught him for satellite tagging on 19th August when his weight had increased to 1540 gms, which is good for a male. This sat tag is a Microwave GSM model which gives incredible detail of migrations – it was fully funded by Gerry Logue of the Sagal group ( The name comes from the initials of the furniture comapanies founders – but is also an Africa name for Morning Star – that sounds good. Tim Mackrill (who is completing his PhD on ospreys) and I have analysed the migration data and submitted a paper on our adult ospreys carrying GSM transmitters – particularly their ability to use thermals. Hopefully, Sagal will teach us how quickly young ospreys become proficient at this method of migration.
Sagal – new young male osprey
September 15, 2016