Culver continues west through Sussex

After his amazing exploratory flights of the past four days, we were eagerly awaiting news of Culver this evening. The latest satellite data shows that as we expected, he did fly west through Sussex but, rather than head along the coast, he cut inland as he approached Hastings and between 16:00 and 18:20 was perched in a field near Ashburnham, 9km north-west of Bexhill. He is very likely to have roosted nearby.

This morning Culver left his overnight roost just north-east of Rye at around 09:50 and ten minutes later he was circling over Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. From there he headed west along the coast, pausing briefly as he approached Hastings, and then heading north-east to avoid flying over the town.

Culver flew over Rye Harbour Nature Reserve at 10:00 this morning

At 14:30 Culver was circling at 499 metres over the south end of Powdermill Reservoir before heading west, passing over Battle at 14:54 at an altitude of 154 metres and then eventually stopping in the field near Ashburnham just before 16:00 having flown approximately 50 km during the course of the day. Perhaps he found some food?

It will be interesting to see what Culver does tomorrow. Will he continue west through Sussex or head south back to the coast? Watch this space.

Culver’s flight through East Sussex today

Culver’s flight 29 August – 2 September