Lifetime achievement award for Roy Dennis

We are delighted to report that Roy’s inspirational work with birds of prey has been recognised with a lifetime achievement award from the Raptor Research Foundation (RRF).

The Partners for Raptors Lifetime Achievement Award honours outstanding individuals who have dedicated their lives to raptor research and conservation. These notable awardees are recognised for their significant contributions to the study and conservation of birds of prey, as well as their outstanding achievements gained through innovative field work, impactful collaborative partnerships, and a lifetime of inclusive interactions with their peers and the public focused on raptors.

Roy’s award was announced at the Raptor Research Foundation’s recent annual conference, held in Albuquerque in New Mexico. The Foundation’s Zoe Smith, who is the Director Outside North America for RFF, was there to talk about Roy’s work. Click play on the video below to see RRF President Rob Bierregaard and Zoe introduce Roy’s award, as well as Roy’s acceptance speech which he recorded at home in Moray.

Roy with his award from the Raptor Research Foundation