Angus (2008)

Ringing Date: 29th June 2008

Nest Location: Glenfeshie Estate

BTO Ring Number: ZZ1418

Satellite Radio Number: 34281

Sex: Male

Measurements: Wing 460mm; Tail 255mm, Hind claw 43.5mm

Weight: Unknown


Angus was a young male golden eagle that we satellite tagged on Glenfeshie Estate in 2008.  He is a brother of Alma.  On 29th June, we went to the nesting site in the evening and caught the young eagle.  He was in excellent condition and placed back in the nest before we departed. The ringing team was Thomas MacDonell (Glenfeshie Estate Manager), Keith and Catherine Duncan, Lorcan O’Toole and Roy Dennis.  Alma’s measurements for comparison: wing 465mm; tail 230 mm; hind claw 49.64mm.  Males are smaller (at this age the wing and tail feathers are not yet fully grown).

Annual Movements

Angus fledged in late July 2008.  He remained within his parents’ home range throughout the summer, before starting to range a little more widely in September, into North Perthshire.  Sadly, we received no more signals from Angus after October 5th.  We think it most likely that the transmitter failed as it had been a very wet and overcast autumn and it had been difficult for the solar panel to keep the battery sufficiently charged.

To view details of Angus’ movements click on the following link:      Angus 2008

Reproductive History

Angus did not reach breeding age during our studies.