Nest Location: Strathspey Estates
BTO Ring Number:
Satellite Radio Number: 89251
Sex: Female
Measurements: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
To view details of the recent movements of Calluna click on the following link: CALLUNA 2012
Calluna is a young female eagle satellite tagged in July 2011. She is a sister of Cullen. Her parents built their nest in a different tree to the one which held Cullen and Strathy.
Calluna was satellite tagged as part of the RaptorTrack programme. This is a partnership programme between the Highland Foundation for Wildlife, the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage, RSPB and private estates within the park, and has its own website:
Annual Movements
Calluna remained within her parents’ homerange throughout 2011. She has spent most of 2012 so far in the Monadhliaths.
To view details of the movements of Calluna click on the relevant link: CALLUNA 2012
Reproductive History
Calluna is not yet old enough to breed. If she survives, we would expect her to breed when she is four years old.