Canisp (2011 – Present)

Ringing Date: 30th June 2011

Nest Location: Canisp – NW Sutherland

BTO Ring Number: ZZ1746

Satellite Radio Number: 89279

Sex: Female

Measurements: Wing 430mm

Weight: 4.0kg

To view details of Canisp’s recent movements click on the following link:  CANISP 2012


On 30th June 2011, Andy Summers, Derek Spencer and I walked to an eagle eyrie in the Canisp region of NW Sutherland. This was a completely new nest.  In the winter Andy had been looking for possible new nest sites for a pair of golden eagles in Assynt, whose traditional eyries in their home range had become subject to accidental disturbance by increasing numbers of hill walkers.  Andy had seen a possible ledge and built a small nest, which had been taken over and built up by the eagles.  Most encouragingly, they had reared a single chick.  Derek and Andy collected the chick and we ringed and tagged it.  It was a female in good condition.  After ringing a fitting the satellite transmitter we placed the eaglet back in its nest, which contained the remains of a predated otter.  This eaglet is from one of the home-ranges adjacent to where we tagged the eaglet Suilven, in 2010.

Annual Movements

Canisp fledged on 2nd August.   She has ranged throughout northwest Sutherland but regularly returns to her parents’ homerange.

Movements and range of Canisp in 2011


To view details of Canisp’s movements click on the relevant link:  CANISP 2012  |  Canisp 2011


Reproductive History

Canisp is not yet old enough to breed.  If she survives, we would expect her to breed at four years of age.