Nest Location: Strathspey Estates
BTO Ring Number: ZZ1422
Satellite Radio Number: 21197
Sex: Female
Measurements: Wing 410mm; Tail 190mm; Hind claw 38.5mm
Weight: 4.89kg
To view details of Cullen’s recent movements click on the following link: CULLEN 2012
As part of an exciting project to study the dispersal and life histories of young golden eagles in Scotland, another nine chicks were satellite tagged in 2010 with high quality GPS transmitters through the Highland Foundation for Wildlife programme. Cullen came from a nest with two young on Strathspey Estates, near Boat of Garten. Frank Law (Sporting Manager) and Wayne Witcher (Head Keeper) transported us and our gear to the eyrie. Lorcan O’Toole climbed to the tree eyrie and lowered the eaglets to the ground, where I could ring and tag them. Both young were in excellent condition; the female was fitted with a 70g Microwave Telemetry Argos GPS model, funded by the Cairngorms Local Biodiversity Action Plan and the Highland Foundation for Wildlife. We decided to name her Cullen, after the headquarters location of Strathspey Estates, in thanks of their great support of our projects.
Cullen was satellite tagged as part of the RaptorTrack programme. This is a partnership programme between the Highland Foundation for Wildlife, the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage, RSPB and private estates within the park, and has its own website:
Annual Movements
Cullen flew for the first time on 14th or 15th July but remained within 3.3 sq km of the eyrie until 21st August when she made her first flight away from the nest area. From September she began to range more widely, often with Strathy. She spent most of 2010 living in the Monadhliath Mountains. In early 2011 she made a short trip to Perthshire and Argyll; typical behaviour of young eagles going exploring and then returning to well known haunts. In May she ranged to Aberdeenshire, Angus and Strathspey. From June she headed to the Glenfiddich Hills, where she remained for most of the summer, making the occasional longer trip. From October she ranged a little more widely, visiting Perthshire, Gaick and Angus, and Aberdeenshire at the end of the year. In 2012, she continues to range widely in the Highlands and the Eastern Grampians.
To view details of Cullen’s movements click on the relevant link: CULLEN 2012
Cullen 2011 | Cullen 2010
Reproductive History
Cullen is not yet old enough to breed. If she survives, we would expect her to breed when she is four years old.