Fearnan (2011 – Present)

Ringing Date: 25th June 2011

Nest Location: Perthshire

BTO Ring Number: Unknown

Satellite Radio Number: 89272

Sex: Male

Measurements: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

To view details of Fearnan’s recent movements click on the following link:    FEARNAN 2012-13


Fearnan is a male eaglet ringed and tagged by Keith Brockie and Duncan Orr-Ewing on 25th June 2011.  The bird was about eight weeks old and was a single chick in a nest in a Scots pine in Perthshire, north of Loch Tay.

Golden Eagle “Fearnan” poisoned in Angus glens – another crime against Scotland’s eagles.

 Fearnan’s satellite transmitter sent data on 21st/22nd November which gave cause for concern that she was dead.  Police Scotland from Forfar went to the GPS location in the Angus hills near Glen Lethnot and collected the dead eagle and transmitter.  Analysis in the Government laboratory proved that she had been illegally poisoned. The police carried out an investigation of the crime scene area on 19th December and put out a press statement (see my blog). She was killed two years and 4 months after leaving her nest.

This is not far from where our first GPS tracked eagle “Alma” was illegally poisoned in 2009, and the young eagle Angus 26 also disappeared in suspicious circumstances. No person or estate has been prosecuted for these crimes.

Golden eagle was one of the Five Species chosen in 2013 to represent The Year of Natural Scotland run by SNH, with the golden eagle voted as the Scottish public’s favourite.

There is no doubt that some grouse moor estates in Angus are very dangerous hills for raptors, with two of our tracked young female peregrine falcons, Rowan and Eskin, also disappearing in suspicious circumstances when visiting empty nesting sites in the same hills.

In addition to serious illegal persecution, there is also the destroying of our satellite tracking studies on young raptors. Each lost transmitter represents at least £3000 plus the money and time spent in collating and updating data on our websites. If any one would like to sponsor our work and new transmitters to make up for these losses, please get in contact – it would be much appreciated.  It is important we maintain a strong presence in satellite tagging golden eagles – it is an important tool in challenging the illegal killing of these precious birds.

This afternoon the Scottish Environment Minister issued this statement on the PAW website:

Golden Eagle Poisoned in Angus

19 December 2013

Police Scotland are carrying out enquiries after tests established that a Golden Eagle found dead in Angus earlier this month was poisoned.  The bird was discovered in the Glen Lethnot area in Angus after suspicions were raised by satellite tracking equipment that indicated it had remained in the same place for a significant period of time.

As police investigations continue, officers request that anyone who was in the Glen Lethnot and surrounding areas between the November 10 and November 25 contact Police Scotland.

Minister for Environment and Climate Change, and chair of PAW Scotland Mr Paul Wheelhouse said:

“The golden eagle is one of Scotland’s most iconic animals and was recently voted the winner of Scotland’s Big 5. I am disgusted and angry at the news of the discovery of a poisoned golden eagle in the Angus Glens which appears to be a deliberate, illegal and cruel action against a protected species.

“The killing of Scotland’s wildlife is a stain on Scotland’s reputation. A reputation on which many of our industries such as tourism, recreation and food and drink rely heavily. It is a great regret that such actions undermine the reputation of sporting estates at a time when there has been genuine progress on the part of the majority of estates and gamekeepers. The actions of a small and ignorant minority are extremely damaging and the Scottish public will rightly be outraged by this news and I share that sense of outrage.”

Fearnan June 2011 - photo by Keith Brockie
Fearnan June 2011 – photo by Keith Brockie


Annual Movements

Fearnan fledged on 23rd July.  He remained within his parents’ homerange throughout 2011 and finally left home in March 2012.  Since then he has spent most of his time in and around Perthshire.

Movements and range of Fearnan in 2011

To view details of Fearnan’s movements click on the relevant link:  FEARNAN 2012

Fearnan 2011


Reproductive History

Fearnan is not yet old enough to breed.  If he survives, we would expect him to breed when he is four years old.
