Lee (2010-2011)

Ringing Date: 29th June 2010

Nest Location: Invermark Estate

BTO Ring Number: ZZ0428

Satellite Radio Number: 75382

Sex: Male

Measurements: Wing 380mm; Hallux 40mm

Weight: 3.4kg


Lee was a young eagle that was ringed & satellite tagged by Mike Nicoll, Ron Lawie, Ewan Weston, and Justin Grant on 29th June 2010 on Invermark Estate, with much help from Andy Malcolm, the estate underkeeper.  The transmitter cost was funded through the Cairngorms Local Biodiversity Action Programme and is part of an exciting project to study the dispersal and life histories of young golden eagles in the Cairngorms National Park.  Thanks to the Estate for their help and support.

Lee was satellite tagged as part of the RaptorTrack programme.  This is a partnership programme between the Highland Foundation for Wildlife, the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage, RSPB and private estates within the park, and has its own website: www.raptortrack.org.

Annual Movements

Lee made his first long flight on 21st October, heading south to Glen Lethnot and then on to Glen Cova.  He then ranged around Ben Avon.  In November he flew to Killicrankie and back and then throughout the remainder of November and whole of December, Lee ranged between Glen Clova NE to Glen Dye and west towards Loch Muick in an area of nearly 600 square kms. Sometimes he would have visited his parents’ home range.

In January 2011 he moved back and forth in Angus and then on the 17th headed to Glen Tanar.  From the 26th we only received bad quality non-GPS signals and after the 5th February received no more signals at all, suggesting that Lee either died or that the transmitter failed.

Movements and range of Lee in 2011

Movements and range of Lee in 2010










To view details of Lee’s movements click on the relevant link: 

Lee 2011          |          Lee 2010


Reproductive History

Lee did not reach breeding age during our studies.