Ringing Date: 29th June 2010
Nest Location: Glentanar Estate
BTO Ring Number: EC31455
Satellite Radio Number: 28660
Sex: Male
Measurements: Wing 162mm; Tail 68mm
Weight: Unknown
Glen was a young male hen harrier from a nest of three chicks at Glentanar, Deeside, Aberdeenshire. He was ringed and fitted with a satellite tag on 29th June 2010 by Roy Dennis and Colin McLean.
Glen was satellite tagged as part of the RaptorTrack programme. This is a partnership programme between the Highland Foundation for Wildlife, the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage, RSPB and private estates within the park, and has its own website: www.raptortrack.org.
Annual Movements
Glen left his natal area on 10th August. He spent most of the next 2.5 months around the Angus moorlands until 25th October, when he surprised us all by heading off to Ireland! He didn’t stay long, however, and five days later was back in Scotland, on the Isle of Arran. He remained there until 9th November, and then, sadly, we didn’t receive any more signals from him until a mystery signal came in on 8th March 2011. We are unable to say whether the battery simply died or whether something happened to Glen.
To view details of Glen’s movements click here: Glen 2010
Reproductive History
Glen did not reach breeding age during our studies.