Ringing Date: 29th June 2010
Nest Location: Glentanar Estate
BTO Ring Number: FP67025
Satellite Radio Number: 51894
Sex: Female
Measurements: Wing 193mm; Tail 92mm
Weight: Unknown
Tanar was a young female hen harrier in a nest of three chicks at Glentanar, Deeside, Aberdeenshire. She was ringed and fitted with a satellite tag on 29th June 2010 by Roy Dennis and Colin McLean.
Tanar was satellite tagged as part of the RaptorTrack programme. This is a partnership programme between the Highland Foundation for Wildlife, the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage, RSPB and private estates within the park, and has its own website: www.raptortrack.org.
Annual Movements
Tanar left the nest area on 19th July but remained fairly local for a couple of weeks. In mid August she moved over the county border and then remained in the Angus/Aberdeenshire area until October. She then ranged around Invermark and Loch Muick and on 7th November returned to Glentanar. She continued to range between these areas and then at the end of the month flew to Midlothian. From there she crossed 150km over to the west coast to Wigtown and then into Ayrshire and to Loch Ryan, where she wintered. Her next movements were in April 2011, when she flew to Dumbarton and then to Inverness. She ranged quite widely for a couple of weeks and then settled down again near Dalwhinnie. On 2nd June she flew back to Glen Esk and ranged around Aberdeenshire. Sadly, we received no more signals from her after 14th June, and we suspect that she was illegally killed.
To view details of Tanar’s movements click here: Tanar 2010-2011
Reproductive History
Tanar did not reach breeding age during our studies.