Joe (2011)



Date Caught: June 2011

Nest Location: Thurso, Caithness

Sex: Male





Joe is a male osprey that was fitted with a satellite transmitter in 2011 at the most northerly nest in Scotland, near Thurso in Caithness. He was one of a brood of three.

Annual Movements

Joe set off on his first migration on 22nd August.  Initially he took a hazardous route via Mull and Ireland and we were worried he would continue heading west and be lost at sea, but he turned SE and reached Cornwall without any problems.  He then made good progress through France and on the 28th reached Spain.  He  spent ten days in the Cantabrian Mountains, at the Luna Reservoir; evidently the area provided good fishing and he was able to get some much-needed rest after his amazing recovery from Ireland.  He then headed through Portugal and on 19th September crossed over into Morocco at El Jedida.  He made excellent progress through Morocco and Mauritania and on the 27th reached Senegal.  He carried on through Senegal and on 3rd October arrived in The Gambia.  He remained in the inner part of the Sine Saloum delta for a few days and then on the 11th flew back towards St. Louis.

Sadly, we received no further signals from Joe after 20th October.  Subsequent investigation by Frederic Bacuez, a local ornithologist, revealed the remains of Joe’s body and his rings and satellite transmitter.  He had been eaten by a predator.  The local area was very dry with only a little water in the nearby lake and we believe that Joe had tried to catch a fish in the shallow water and injured himself in the process.  Arid conditions make over-wintering in Africa very difficult for young ospreys as they are pushed out of the best fishing areas by adult birds and so have to try to survive in less suitable habitats.  Frederic was able to recover Joe’s satellite transmitter so we hope to use it again next year on a new osprey.

Autumn migration 2011


To view details of Joe’s movements click on the following link:    Joe 2011


Reproductive History

Joe did not reach breeding age during our studies.


Ozwald at ringing time

Ozwald being weighed