
In March 2004, Roy Dennis was invited to La Maremma National Park on the Tuscan coast to give advice on the potential to restore breeding ospreys to mainland Italy. The Park staff showed me excellent habitats for ospreys and we considered that a reintroduction could succeed and chose sites for relaese cages and potential nest sites. Osprey experts from Corsica attended the meeting and were very helpful with the possibilities of young being translocated from their popualtion. In 2006 Andrea Sforzi and his colleagues at La Maremma National Park started the reintroduction project and 7 young birds were brought across from Corsica and reared and released in Tuscany, with another 6 in 2007.  In 2011, the first pair bred and reared young – a great success.

Cages used to house the young ospreys

Ospreys are now breeding successfully in Tuscany