Midge is a male chick and is a brother to one of 2009’s satellite-tracked chicks, Venus. He was tagged on 25th June 2010 with Dave Sexton and Justin Grant and given satellite transmitter 51887. Midge’s parents have never had wing tags so far less is known about them than the Loch Frisa pair, but they are very experienced parents and regularly raise a chick each year. Their nest site was the one which saw the first successful nesting attempt for the reintroduced population of sea eagles in 1985. Midge got his name from the voracious swarms of midges that hovered around as we tagged him.
Annual Movements
Mara was tagged in partnership with the RSPB as part of their Mull sea eagles programme. To view details of his movements please visit their website:
Reproductive History
Midge is not yet old enough to breed. If he survives, we would expect him to breed when he is five or six years old.