Agnes was in Coignafearn until 8th March when she flew west and then north over Loch Lochy to spend the 10th in Glen Affric and later that evening at Loch Monar. She then settled again in upper glen Orrin to 14th March
Usual wandering
Agnes was over Dundregan on 10th February, Glen Orrin on 13th, Strathconon and Monar on the 14th and west of Affric on the 15th; some time after that she returned to Coignafearn where she was on the 21st to 24th February, often near a nest I built some years ago.
Usual two centre behaviour
Agnes was at Coignafearn on 19th – 20th January, then in upper Glen Orrin on 24th -25th before returning to Coignafearn and being there or close by in Upper Dulnan valley to 5th February.
Usual wanderings
Agnes was north of Loch Monar on 13th – 15th December, by 19th she was in the upper Spey north of Garvamore, then in the upper Dulnan on 23rd and by 27th December back in Coignafearn.
Previous data is on the Raptortrack website and I am slowly moving everything to this website and closing down raptortrack.