Suilven is a male golden eagle that was fitted with a satellite transmitter as a chick in 2010. To view further details about his movements and history click on his link on the left.
In mid August, Suilven’s transmitter suddenly started to give GPS signals from a small cliff near Loch Borralan, Ledmore. On 31st August I went and checked. It was just a small cliff, ideal for roosting overnight or perching, but not nesting. I think I could see why the transmitter had burst into life, because the area below the cliff was thick bracken with recent signs of red deer trampling it down. I believe this disturbed the transmitter and allowed the solar panel to pick up sunlight. Despite an intensive search I could not find the tiny transmitter but a recent downpour may have covered it up again. There were no signs of a dead eagle so I am certain the transmitter came off Suilven last spring after 5 years of study – this is what transmitters are meant to do when they reach the end of useful data gathering. It would appear that Suilven was trying to find a place to breed in his natal area. We wish him good fortune and he has taught us a lot about golden eagle immature behaviour in NW Sutherland.
Suilven’s transmitter gave a couple of non GPS signals on 28th March from east of Elphin. The transmitter is now old and not transmitting properly – it would be nice to think he may be on an eyrie.
Suilven’s transmitter gave a few locations and showed that on 25th and 26th March he was near Ledmore in Assynt
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