Visiting Loch of the Lowes again

Rothiemurchus visited the Lowes nest site again today and Val Gall sent this photo of him cruising by at 10.32am.

Rothiemurchus flying by Lowes at 10.32am

Rothiemurchus flying by Lowes at 10.32am

Ranging in Perth and Angus

Rothiemurchus is spending a lot of time flying arund looking at osprey nests and trying to find a mate and a place to loive – he has ranged from north of Loch Tay in the west to the Loch of Lintrathen in Angus.

May 18th - 24th

May 18th – 24th

Slow progress through Wales and England

The cold wintry weather with bitter NE winds has delayed Beatrice’s migration through UK but as I write on Sunday morning looking at the snow falling in Moray there’s nothing here for an osprey to rush home for!

On 4th April she made just 38 km from near Oswestry north to roost overnight neat Eaton Hall.  On 5th she was on the river there from 5am to 7am looking for a fish and then slowly travelled north via Manchester and Blackburn to roost that night on the River Ribble south of Hurst Green after just 9okm. Yesterday she set off slowly north but with the bad weather I would not expect her to go far – I’ll check her nest today to see if her mate is back.

April 4th

April 4th


April 5th

April 5th


No news

Am trying to find out more about the last movements

South to the Basque coast of France

On 14th October, Fearna made a great migration of 375 km down the French coast to arrive at Labenne, near Bayonne

October 14th – at last got the migration bug?




Ozwald is a male osprey that was fitted with a satellite transmitter as a chick in 2011.  To view further details about his movements and history click on his link on the left.

Still there

Still at wintering site 1500GMT today

No change

Ozwald still living in same area

Settled in same area of Borders

Roxy continues to live in the same area with no long ranging flights

No change

Ozwald still living in same area